Department of Psychological-Pedagogical and Human Sciences

Head of Department:
Isakova Chinara Bakirovna
Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Adress: 1 building of IKSU. Tynystanov St., room #321

Phone: 0(3922) 5-27-06

History of the Department


In 1963, on the basis of Przhevalsk State Pedagogical Institute (now K.Tynystanov KGU) was established Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, which was headed by Zhanuzakov J.Sh. In subsequent years the department was headed by Ismailova Sh.A., associate professors Ybykeev A.Y., Mukanbetov T.M., Zhakeeva Y.J. (until 1998).

From 1998 to 2000 the department of pedagogy and psychology was divided into departments of pedagogy and psychology, from September 2006 departments “Pedagogy” and “Psychology” were merged and formed the department “Psychological and pedagogical disciplines”. In 2007 the department was renamed to “Pedagogy and Psychology”. From 2007 to 2016 the department was headed by Dr. Dyusheeva N.K. From April 2016 to September 2021 the department was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Karasartova. In 2021 the department included teachers of humanities disciplines and the department was renamed to Department of Psychological and Pedagogical and Humanitarian Sciences. Since September 2021 the department is headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Isakova Ch.B.

The academic composition of the department:

  1. Isakova Ch.B. – Head of the Department, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor;
  2. Bokontayeva J.K. – Ph.D. in Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor;
  3. Karasartova J.B. – Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor;
  4. Tkacheva S.A. – Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor;
  5. Cholponkulova N.T. – Ph.D. in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor;
  6. Kozhomuratov A.T. – Senior lecturer;
  7. Sagimbekova D.S. – Senior lecturer;
  8. Abyshaliev K.B. – Senior lecturer;
  9. Sooronbaeva Ch.K. – Senior lecturer;
  10. Botalieva U.A. – lecturer;
  11. Akmoldoeva A.Zh. – lecturer;
  12. Abakirov A.A. – lecturer;
  13. Ordobaeva S.R. – lecturer;
  14. Tilenova A.T. – laboratory assistant.

The Department of Psychological-Pedagogical and Humanities provides professional training of students of pedagogical and university specialties in psychological, pedagogical and humanitarian disciplines.

The general university department of pedagogy and psychology provides: psychological and pedagogical training of students of all specialties available at the university, as well as research training of highly qualified personnel through the postgraduate and graduate departments.

The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology carries out various types of activities in the university: educational and methodological, research, educational, innovative, career guidance and connection with the school.

The “Conflict Studies” curriculum (developed by Dr. D. Dyusheeva N.K.) from K.Tynystanov KGU became a finalist in the Republican contest “The best innovative educational and methodological complex of educational programs based on competence approach for universities of the Kyrgyz Republic”, was in the top five prizes and was nominated by the Diploma from the Ministry of Education and Science of the KR together with EdNet (the competition involved over 500 teaching materials from all universities of the country).

Since 2009 to the present the Department has been actively involved in the development of the SES of Higher Education of the Kyrgyz Republic in the direction of “teacher education”, and members of the department are members of the UMA MoiN KR, thereby making a significant contribution to the reform of higher education in Kyrgyzstan.

The scientific potential and professionalism of the Department scientists is one of the priorities for the Metropolitan Dissertation Councils in pedagogical areas, as a result of which more than 60 dissertations were sent to the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of K.Tynystanov KGU as a leading organization for review (recall), the Department members regularly provide feedback for doctoral and candidate theses (more than 30), and conduct a preliminary additional discussion of theses of doctoral students, postgraduate students and applicants.

The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology with the support of the Department of Science of International Relations successfully coordinated from the university such significant European TEMPUS projects for domestic education as: ‘TUNING’ (‘BOLOGNA.KG’, ‘BOLOGNA.KG 2’), CANQA ‘Central Asian Quality Assurance and Accreditation Network’, TuCAHEA ‘Tuning towards the Central Asian Higher Education Area’, EDUCA ‘Education Management in Central Asia’, as a result of which 1 member of the department (Ph. Diusheeva N.K.) as a result of competitive selection among partner universities in Central Asia became an expert on quality assurance systems of the Central Asian Quality Assurance and Accreditation Network.

Members of the Department were involved in the accreditation of leading universities in Tajikistan as part of a group of independent accreditation experts from Spain, France and Kazakhstan.

Department established scientific cooperation with foreign and domestic universities to implement innovative experience: Cumbria University (England), Pisa University (Italy), Ghent University (Belgium), the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education (Moscow), Moscow State Pedagogical University, Kuzbass State Pedagogical Academy, Semipalatinsk State University, Togliatti State University, Novosibirsk State Teachers Institute, universities in Kyrgyzstan, etc.

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at the university is the leader in the number of annual scientific publications (monographs, teaching aids, teaching materials, scientific articles). it should be noted that the first place in the issue of articles is taken by candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department Tkacheva S.A.

Members of the department regularly conduct professional development on innovative processes in the education system both within the country and abroad: Italy (Rome, Pisa), Belgium (Brussels, Ghent), England (Lancaster, London), Germany (Magdeburg). To date, each teacher in the department has from 10 to 20 certificates of advanced training.

The department together with the department of science and international relations acts as an organizer of international and national scientific and practical conferences, seminars and trainings on the modernization of education, innovation processes in education, the problems of quality assurance in higher education. Certain works were done at the state budget theme “Technologization of educational process in higher education institution”. To date, members of the department are working on the theme “Formation of competence of future teachers on the basis of psychological and pedagogical disciplines. Along with this, the department conducted a seminar-training by the decision of the regional administration board for employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Department of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor’s office (racketeering, pupils, parents, teachers); a seminar-training on innovative educational technologies for teachers of city schools, neighboring rural schools; consultative assistance (in child psychology, defectology) to kindergartens, the child rehabilitation center in Karakol. For the teachers of the college and for the teaching staff they conduct training seminars on the following topics: “Active teaching methods”, “Improving the quality of education”, “School of pedagogical excellence”.

According to the curriculum for all pedagogical specialties supervise the adaptation, professional-basic, professional-profile practice. Students are provided with methodical assistance on educational work, on drawing up individual plans, filling out diaries, on the study of the psychological characteristics of personality, the study of the class teacher, the organization and conduct of psychological preparation of extracurricular educational affairs.

On the pro-professional work the department has done work on the design of 216 classroom. Developed a provision, a plan, methodological advice and developed with graduates and teachers of schools. Every year for graduates and their parents of the city and regional schools is held “Open House Day”.

2020th year since January scientific cooperation with Krasnoyarsk agrarian university was established.

Thus, during the existence of the department each scientist and teacher continues to make a significant contribution to the development of secondary and higher education system of KR, to the improvement of pedagogical science, to the modernization of the university educational system, to the training of specialists of a new modern formation.

Educational and methodological work

The main work of the department of methodological work of pedagogy and psychology is carried out in the following areas:

  • Compilation of new educational-methodical complexes for the taught and newly introduced psychological and pedagogical disciplines. Reviewing, revising and supplementing the existing educational-methodical complexes of disciplines and basic educational programs for students.
  • Development and revision of teaching materials for students (lecture notes, collections of exercises and problems, instructions for graduation works in pedagogical disciplines.
  • Development and revision of methodological materials for the teacher (private methods for disciplines, methodological materials on conducting business games, solving production problems, analysis of pedagogical situations, teaching discipline and, methodological developments on the use of new information technologies in the educational process, etc.).
  • Development and testing of private methods for academic disciplines and individual courses.
  • Reviewing, preparation for publication of individual components of teaching materials for the disciplines and other methodological materials on psychological and pedagogical disciplines. Approbation and introduction of new information technologies in the educational process.
  • Preparation of topics, assignments and selection of various documents for master’s theses, diploma works and control, independent works.
  • Participation in intramural activities to improve pedagogical qualifications. Supervision visits to classes, participation in conducting demonstration, open classes and trial classes. Preparing and conducting methodical classes with teachers.
  • Publication of scientific results of work on the problems of higher education in the periodical scientific press, in the materials of scientific and methodological conferences, in educational and methodical collections and manuals.
  • Work in the methodical group of the department, the methodical commission of the faculty, the scientific and methodical council of the university.


Research work of the department

Research work covers all areas of the department.

Scientific seminars of the department are held in accordance with the approved work plan of the scientific seminar.   Materials of scientific seminars are presented in protocols and can be used by teachers in the course of teaching psychological and pedagogical and humanities disciplines of the department.

September 24, 2021 a senior lecturer Cholponkulova N.T. successfully defended her thesis on “Psychological basis for the formation of value orientations of students in the modern Kyrgyzstan” (19.00.05 – Social Psychology, 19.00.07 – Educational Psychology).

Associate Professor Tkacheva S.A. in November 2021 took 1st place in the competition for the best scientific article, dedicated to the “Day of Science”.

Teachers of the Department of Psychological-Pedagogical and Humanitarian Sciences are actively involved in research programs and projects.  Associate Professor Bokontayeva D.K. participates in the project “Esimde. Living Memory-2021”.

The main results of scientific research are published annually in collections, scientific journals, including those recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

It should be noted that by the number of publications of scientific and methodological works the leading positions on the university are taken by Bokontayeva D.K. Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor and Tkacheva S.A. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

In the framework of research and development activities of students, their preparation for participation in scientific and practical conferences and competitions of regional, all-Russian and international level.

Teachers Tkacheva S.A. and Imanbakaeva M.G. prepared a team of students to participate in the All-Russia (with the international participation) Student Olympiad: “PEDAGOGICS: EFFECTIVE EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES” (November 8-26, 2021.).

The department together with the department of science and international relations acts as an organizer of international and national scientific conferences, seminars, trainings on modernization of education, innovative processes in education, on the problems of quality assurance in higher education, provides consulting assistance (in the field of child psychology, speech pathology, speech therapy) to kindergartens in Karakol, child rehabilitation center in Karakol.

Together with the department of preschool and primary education was organized and conducted scientific-preventive conference dedicated to the 3rd of December Day of the Disabled “We are all different, but equal.  Teachers of the department Isakova Ch.B., Akmoldoeva A.J., Cholponkulova N.T. made reports, the theme of the reports reflects the current issues of inclusive education.

Professional development

Professional development in the profile of pedagogical activity is the functional responsibility of each full-time teacher at the SGU. Professional development of the teaching staff at PSI is carried out in order to improve the professional level within the existing qualification and (or) to obtain new competence necessary for professional activities; to prepare teachers for the implementation of updated content, structure and innovative technologies of education in the educational process; to improve the quality of the University training of competitive specialists, to improve the management of the educational process.

The professional development of TSU faculty should focus on the following tasks:

– improvement of pedagogical skills in the profile of pedagogical activity;

– improvement of subject competence;

– study and introduction of new teaching methods and technologies into the educational process;

– activation of research, methodological, innovative and creative activities;

Increasing competence in the field of quality management of educational and creative activity;

Professional development of teaching staff on the profile of pedagogical activity is held at least once every 3-5 years.


Pedagogical practice:

  • Forms students’ skills in educational work, which includes the future teacher’s mastery of methods of educational work;
  • Teaches students the skills of psychological and pedagogical observation and analysis of the pedagogical process at school, the collection of material for psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the personality of the student and the class team;
  • Provides methodological assistance to novice methodologists.

Connection to the school:

The work of the Department of “School Communication” provides advisory, informational and methodological assistance to teachers of secondary schools in Karakol.

Each month, teachers of the department hold various activities, meetings with teachers in the main areas:

1. Improving the professional, scientific-theoretical and methodological level of teachers:

  • Advising teachers on advanced innovative teaching technologies;
  • Advising and assisting young teachers and student interns in planning and analyzing their pedagogical activities, in implementing the methodological principles of teaching and education, and in developing a modern style of pedagogical thinking;
  • Familiarization with the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science in order to improve the scientific level of the teacher;
  • Talks, round tables, workshops and training seminars on pedagogy and psychology for teachers, social pedagogues and student interns in schools;
  • Presentations, workshop-training courses for teachers of secondary schools in Issyk-Kul region.

2. Informational and educational work for school students:

  • Conducting conversations, training seminars, round tables on various topics for students of secondary schools, taking into account the age specifics of students;
  • Conducting diagnostics among graduate students;
  • Conducting an introductory tour of the educational institution IKSU.

3. Career guidance activities:

  • Teachers of the department acquaint students of secondary schools of the city with the directions of training and specialties available at K.Tynystanov SGU, forms and conditions of training and further employment. The presentation is carried out by showing videos, presentations, promotional booklets.
  • Examine the interests of schoolchildren, motivated in the choice of a particular specialty.
  • The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology conducts active work on career guidance on the basis of the plan of the university, annually participate in the event “Open House Day” on the scale of the region and the city of Karakol (where they inform students about the specialties of pedagogical direction).

Educational work:

The main goal of education is to develop a cultured, versatile student personality, viable and socially active in a changing social environment.

The main objective of educational activities is to create conditions for active life of students, for civil self-determination and self-realization, for maximum satisfaction of students’ needs in physical, intellectual, cultural and moral development.

The following tasks are the most urgent in today’s conditions:

  • Adaptation of freshmen and nonresident students to the changed conditions of life, in order to enter the university environment;
  • Meeting the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development through higher education;
  • formation of personal qualities necessary for effective professional activity;
  • Formation of students’ civic position and patriotic consciousness, legal and political culture, the ability to work and live in modern conditions;
  • development of an orientation toward universal values and high humanistic cultural ideals;
  • strengthening and improving physical condition, the desire for a healthy lifestyle, education of an intolerant attitude to drugs, alcoholism, anti-social behavior;
  • preservation and augmentation of historical, cultural and scientific values of the university, continuity, formation of a sense of university corporatism and solidarity;
  • formation of skills and abilities to manage the team in various forms of student government.

Educational work at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology is carried out in accordance with the goals and objectives of educational work at the university.

Topics of educational activities reflect the actual problems of modern society.

Educational activities are held in the dormitory of PSU named after K.Tynystanov, in student groups, on the basis of the college and faculties.

Based on the approved plan of educational work, teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology systematically organize educational activities with students of the University, Medical College and the Academy of Law at the dormitory of the SGU.

Teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, the chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the SGU, Vice-Rector for Educational Work of the SGU, the Student Committee of the SGU are actively involved in carrying out educational activities.

Teachers of the department carry out management of pedagogical practice of students in professional lyceums, schools in Issyk-Kul region and the city of Karakol. They help students in organizing and conducting educational activities in the classroom, as well as drawing up individual, educational plans, completing diaries, individual psychological characteristics.


Issyk-Kul State University 722360,

Karakol, 103 Abdrakhmanov Street.

Phone:(3922)5 01 23; Faks: (3922)5 04 98


Adress: 1 корпус ИГУ. ул.Тыныстанова, кабинет №321

Department phone number: 0(3922) 5-27-06