Educational objectives of the basic educational program for the direction 550300 Philological education, profile “Russian language and literature”:
Goal 1. Preparing a teacher who is able to solve professional problems in the field of philological education and work successfully in the chosen field of activity, have universal, professional and special competencies that contribute to its social mobility and sustainability in the labor market;Goal 2. Development of socio-personal qualities of students: purposefulness, organization, responsibility, citizenship, communication, tolerance, etc., increasing general culture, the desire for self-realization and self-improvement in the profession in the framework of continuing education and self-education.
Goal 3. Training teachers of Russian language and literature who are in demand at regional, national, and international educational institutions and who have command of traditional and innovative teaching methods and modern information technologies;
Goal 4. Formation of graduates’ knowledge, abilities, skills and high personal qualities necessary for flexible, competitive, competent professionals, contributing to the socio-economic development of the Issyk-Kul region;
Goal 5. Providing quality higher vocational education that allows graduates to continue their studies and successfully find employment.
550300-philological education | Russian language teacher | Curricula | ООP |
Educational objectives of the basic educational program for the direction 550300 Philological education, profile “Russian language and literature:
Goal 1. Preparing a teacher who is able to solve professional problems in the field of philological education and work successfully in the chosen field of activity, have universal, professional and special competencies that contribute to its social mobility and sustainability in the labor market;Goal 2. Development of socio-personal qualities of students: purposefulness, organization, responsibility, citizenship, communication, tolerance, etc., increasing general culture, the desire for self-realization and self-improvement in the profession in the framework of continuing education and self-education.
Goal 3. Training teachers of Russian language and literature who are in demand at regional, national, and international educational institutions and who have command of traditional and innovative teaching methods and modern information technologies;
Goal 4. Formation of graduates’ knowledge, abilities, skills and high personal qualities necessary for flexible, competitive, competent professionals, contributing to the socio-economic development of the Issyk-Kul region;
Goal 5. Providing quality higher vocational education that allows graduates to continue their studies and successfully find employment.
Expected learning outcomes of the program:
I. Universal Competencies:
1. Management
РО1 – The use of basic and in-depth knowledge of management to manage the educational process in an educational institution;
2. Communication
РО2 – Positive and constructive building of intercultural communication with all subjects of the pedagogical process in the state, official and studied foreign languages;
3. Individual and team work
РО3 – The ability to work effectively both individually and in a diverse, multi-ethnic, multi-age team with a division of responsibilities and duties and to build tolerant, interpersonal and professional relationships at the school community level;
4. Professional Ethics
РО4 – Following legal, ethical and professional standards in a multicultural society, creating equal opportunities for students;
5. Social Responsibility
РО5 – Activities to create an educational environment, conditions for the protection of health and life safety of students, environmental protection, as well as social responsibility for the decisions made in education and training; РО6 – Awareness of the need for professional improvement and the desire for self-education and self-realization by planning further educational trajectory;
II. Professional:
7. Applying Fundamental Knowledge
РО7 – The use of basic and socio-economic, natural science knowledge to solve problems in the educational process and psychological and pedagogical activities;
8. Analysis
РО8 – Ability to analyze, organize, and summarize the results of educational and research activities using basic and advanced knowledge and modern pedagogical and philological research methods and models;
9. Designing
РО9 – Designing and implementing the content of subjects, courses, educational programs and individual educational trajectories, designing the educational environment;
10. Research
РО10 – Conducting research in solving educational and pedagogical problems, in coursework and graduate research papers in the field of training and education, development, including experimentation, analysis, and interpretation of data, the results of which are usefully applied in practice;
11. Practice
РО11 – Independent selection and application of necessary resources and methods of teaching Russian language and literature, including traditional, innovative, interactive, integrated, and implementation of pedagogical activities;
12. Specialization and organization in the labor market
РО12 – Possession of competencies and qualities necessary for a modern teacher of Russian language and literature, their adaptation to the needs of employers, as well as to the rapidly changing conditions of the labor market.
Department Chair: Ph.D. in Philology Associate Professor – Abdumanapova Zuhra Zaynishevna
Adress: 1 building of IKSU..Tynystanov.str, room №339
- Abdumanapova Zuhra Zaynishevna – Ph.D. in Philology Associate Professor
- Abdykerimov Asker Abdykerimovich – Ph.D. in Philology Associate Professor
- Abdullayev Sayfulla Nurmukhammedovich – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor
- Kadyrkulova Upel Kerimbaevna – Ph.D. in Philology Associate Professor
- Abylasynova Gulyaim Izagalievna – Ph.D. in Philology Associate Professor
- Muradylova Gulshan Sharipovna – Ph.D. in Philology
- Юсупова Амина Харсановна – senior teacher
- Белогорцева Марина Алексеевна – senior teacher
- Гиляузизова Нелли Муратовна – teacher
- Жоловчиева Сауле Маликовна – teacher
- Жабаров Алишер Эркинович – lab assistant
The material and technical base of the K.Tynystanov KGU meets current fire safety rules and regulations and provides for all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, practical and research work of students envisaged in the curriculum.
To implement the educational program in Russian language and literature there are special rooms, (327-1, 334-1. 337-1, Russian Language Learning Center 314-1, Open Education Center in Russian 319-1). The Student Support Center (210-2), computer lab 309-3 and the Russian Language Learning Center 314-1, which have Internet access and access to electronic sources for all students, are actively functioning.
The faculty has a language laboratory, English Language Centers, Arabic Language Center, Confucius class, Russian Language Center, which also has a worldwide network and 11 computers. In addition to computer labs and language labs of the faculty, the Center for Open Education in Russian will open in the academic year 2020-2021. The Russian language center has audio and video resources for teaching Russian language. Multimedia equipment is indispensable for lectures, practical and laboratory work in various disciplines, as it provides an opportunity for all teachers to use educational, developmental programs, multimedia self-studies, films. The Russian Language Center has a projector, project board, computers, as well as for classes using ICT, as well as in the current academic year on the Project “Pedagogical Design” received a magnetic board, a case “Lotto” with magnetic cards and 300 texts,1 computer and printer 3 in 1.
Educational and methodical work of the department is organized to improve the educational process, to increase the quality of education, to introduce innovative learning technologies in order for students to master new directions in the study of Russian language and literature, most importantly – training of highly qualified competent professionals. Teachers develop electronic textbooks, courses, video courses in disciplines, teaching materials for undergraduate students, syllabuses, teaching materials in the light of the requirements of the Bologna system of education. The teaching staff of the department regularly uses multimedia, interactive and innovative technologies to improve the efficiency and quality of teaching.
The methodical work of the department is carried out according to the approved plan, which covers theoretical and practical parts. At the meetings of the method seminar teachers actively share their experience, conduct master classes, trainings, demonstrate the use of new technologies. Faculty conducts open classes, followed by analysis. In the last academic year, the forms and methods of distance learning, types of online classes, ways of creating electronic courses, the specifics of work on the platforms Google Apps, Moodle, Zoom, Google Meet, etc. became relevant.
Links to Online Lectures
Advanced training. Teachers and students of the department actively participate in national, international, full-time and part-time scientific and practical conferences, symposiums, forums, research competitions. Professional development of teachers is carried out in accordance with the approved plan, and teachers very often participate in unscheduled courses of improvement.
The department actively cooperates with higher educational institutions of the republic and neighboring countries:1. Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kyrgyz Republic | |||
2. Russian Federal Agency for the Kyrgyz Republic | |||
3. Getty University named after Georg-August (Germany). |
4. Kalmyk State University named after B. Gorodovikov (Russia) | |||
5. Syktayvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokina | On October 11, the Center for Open Education in the Russian language and teaching Russian was opened in Karakol. Its work on the basis of the Issyk-Kul State University named after Kasym Tynystanov became possible thanks to a grant from the Ministry of Education of Russia, which was received by the Pitirim Sorokin State University. By the end of the year, 108 Kyrgyz students will be trained at the Center. |
6. Moscow State Pedagogical Institute | |||
7. Volgograd State Social-Humanitarian University | |||
8. Kazan Federal University |
1. Kalmyk State University (2015-2017) “Typology and Dynamics of Language Processes in the Turkic-Mongolian Range;
2. Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin. Pitirim Sorokin State University (2019) “Pedagogical Design”;
3. Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin. Pitirim Sorokin State University (2020) “Slavic Lyre: True to Memory”;
4. Kalmyk State University (2019-2021) “Turkic and Mongolian Linguistics: Traditions and Innovations”;
Pedagogical practice on the program profile “Russian language and literature” is held since the second year, necessarily included in the schedule of the educational process and taken into account when scheduling classes. To pass the pedagogical practice between ISU and the city administration signed a contract on cooperation and the possibility of passing all types of practices by students of ISU in schools of Karakol. Students of the program pass practice at city schools-gymnasiums № 1 named after Lenin, № 2 named after N.M. Przhevalsky, № 3 Nekrasov, № 6 named after A.P. Chekhov, № 9 named after Narimanov, № 11 named after Gorky, and also at school № 15, in some cases on request student can pass practice on a place of residence. In practice, students show the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in practice.